Oregon Department of Justice – Search For Consumer Complaints
on-line database of complaints submitted to Oregon DOJ Consumer Hotline.
"When you use the Ixquick or Startpage search engine, results will appear as normal, but underneath each link description will be a Proxy link too. Clicking it will allow you to visit a website, but remain private as it is loaded in an Ixquick privacy window. The downside to this is the page will load more slowly due to Ixquick having to retrieve it first, but if privacy is important then you probably won’t mind the wait."
Witness Statements: Work Product or Not?
California: witness statements taken by attorneys or their agents (private investigators) are subject to discovery.
Foreign Labor Certification Data Center
H1-B visa applications. From Foreign Labor Certification Data Center.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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